Sunday, 1 April 2012

Vintage Photoshoot

^Our beautiful creek.^
^Don't they just look like they're from the 1960's?!^
^Musical roses. :) ^
^Falling rather gracefully, wouldn't you say?^
^"What ya sayin'??"^
^Standing - all by herself!!!^
^"I told ya to keep your distance!!"^
^Yep, that's aunty (me) with the pink socks in the background!^
^Homesick for Heaven.^
^Yours truly.^

Now that you have enjoyed our photography, you must tell me which ones were your favourite/s!! :D


  1. Those are awesome photo's! :-) Really like them all

  2. These are gorgeous! I really really especially like the first one (Piano Bird), Homesick for Heaven, Your Pink Socks and the Keeping Her Distance one (there's a couple of extra titles for you, too!) The light distribution in Keeping Her Distance is lovely! :D

  3. Beautiful! I think the creek ones are stunning, and I really like the two of Hannah with her looking and the one of Stella ' keep your distance' - beautiful colouring. :) The rose on the piano and the first one with the bird and the piano are lovely too.
    Very nice! :)


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