Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Drop Down Dead....

...For the babies!" Georgia explained. Huh? Okayyy..... Sounds interesting.. I thought laughingly.
"It's a demonstration. Since babies can't be seen being aborted, we need to show the people. And really show it!"

Being the fun-loving person that I am, I decided that if I acquired permission from my dearest Mother, that I would go. Permission was granted, and all things set. I was going!

But, since I am still a minor, (in legal terms... ;)) and because Mum didn't want me traveling on a train alone into Melbourne, Georgia came (arrived) at the nearest train station to where I have been staying for past weeks (with my sister) at 7:20 in the morning. And we're a distance (1 hour) from Melbourne city too! (Yep, I'm singing her praise right now! :D)

There was only five of us demonstrators, plus Georgia who did the talking, and Johnny who videoed. And that was just when we started too! By midday we were down to four... and later less.

But God blessed, and not long before we lost another team member, we were joined by 7 other youngsters. (Youngsters like me. ;)) It was an interesting how they joined our group. At least for me! You see, I was doing my job, lying 'dead' on the ground, drifting off to sleep (ssh!), when I heard a couple kids saying, "Hey Jana! You alive?" Ummm, what?!  
First, how do they know my name? Second, who are they?! Third, do I know them? I was totally bewildered. So I said nothing. Since I was decidedly dead, they went back to Georgia and kept talking. It sorta hit me how funny the situation was, and I started laughing. Silently of course. But at the same time, I kept peeking from under my 'death sheet' to see who these kids were. That's all it took! When they realised that I was 'alive', and laughing (hey, somethings funny!), they all came a sat in a circle around me. And from then on I had a live audience!

They asked me such questions as, "Do you get paid for this?" "Nope." "Why not?" "Because I believe in it." "Oh well that's good..."
"Have you been lying here for long?" "Oh I guess. I was falling asleep when you guys came along and startled me!" "Oh wow..."
"Is it fun?" "Totally! I'm loving it!" And I was...

Then, it was time to move on. We invited our new friends to come and join us. And they did!!!! Though we only had 8 red sheets... So we had all 7 of them, and
1 of our (original) group 'dying' for us. Which was good, as it gave us more opportunities to talk to passer-byers. One person that I talked to said that they agreed with what we were doing, and would be happy to 'drop on the ground' for us. Sadly, as I mentioned, we didn't have enough sheets. :)

Though, good things don't last forever. And when we got to Southern Cross Train Station, they said they needed to catch the train home. Thus we parted.

A few *great* talks, demonstrations, and hours later, we caught the train to Jesse's home (one of our team). (Where I was picked up by my lovely friend, Astina.)

But that isn't the end! One of our group, Johnny, did a fabulous job catching the day in short form. In just over two minutes, you can watch us demonstrate! Perhaps even, you could participate next time. Yep. Georgia's already planning the next demonstration. Added bonus - I'll probably be there too! ;P And now I say...

"Come, see!"
Demonstration clip 

P.S. Later I asked Georgia how they (the "other youngsters") had known my name, and she told me that she had mentioned it to them, and they had then decided to go talk to me. :D

Monday, 24 December 2012

Your Relationship Status.....

....won't affect where you spent eternity. At least that what I was thinking as I dealt with the lunch dishes the other day.

All these people, wanting, thinking, hoping, sometimes even praying for their special 'other'. My 14 yr old friend basically spoke for the world when, the other day she said wistfully, "I wish I had a boyfriend!"

Today there is a craze about 'Oh no! I'm single, I'm gonna die!" Girls wishing they had a guy that really loved them. Would never cheat on them. Always be there for them. Comfort them. Build them up. And, of course, fix up their relationship status.

It's not socially 'cool' to be single.

I have to admit, I was feeling a little self-righteous as I was thinking about it. "I'm going to wait until I'm old enough to get married before I start worrying about that..." I thought. "And really, your single years are when you can accomplish the most... it's the time when you can focus on glorifying God..
I think what people don't realize, is that your relationship status won't affect where you spent eternity." I smiled to myself. Why don't people just "get" it? 

Anyways, I was feeling quite good, when it suddenly hit me. I had it wrong. Not everything.. But our relationship status does affect where we will spend eternity. Our relationship with God. If I haven't got a boyfriend, that's fine. That won't affect anything, but if we haven't a relationship with God, we aren't going to heaven! Simple as that.

Put it this way, say you're planning a birthday party. But first, let's back up a bit.
Imagine you've got this rival. She's a nasty person. Absolutely everything she does, is to cause you pain. She can't hurt you physically, so her plan is to steal all your friends that she possibly can. And mind you, once she's stolen your friends, they're not the same. 'Cause they've completely changed. They don't like you anymore. Actually, wait. Some even hate you. Some of the ones that had even been your best friends before! Some say you don't exist. You're a mere story. Yet they knew you before. They shared such special moments with you. Memories to treasure. You wonder what happened.... You even try to win them back! Some do return, but most don't.

Now back to your birthday party. You're a kind hearted, benevolent person. So even though they've rejected you, you've sent out invitations to them. A few have accepted, and is working on a friendship with you, so that when they come, they and you, can enjoy the time spent together. But then some ignored the invitation. Some down-right rejected it! Some came and told you off for even inviting them. Some said that you weren't a good person, there's no way they want to come to your party!

Now, say you're doing your party in a different way. This way, you go collect your friends and bring them to the party. Would you go out, to those people who you tried so hard to be friendly to, put yourself on the line for, but who rejected you and your invitation? Those people who now hate you. Who have become best friends with this evil girl whose only plan is to destroy. Would you bring them in? Or would you bring in your faithful friends? Sure, they might've hurt you before. But they were really and truly sorry. They made up for it the best they could. Reconciled with you. Not only your faithful friends, but the friends who are new friends. Who used to do things to hurt you, but are now truly sorry. Sure you would!

Ah, but I hear some say, "But I would be the good Samaritan, and bring the ones who rejected me in for my party anyway! Then they'd see how good and nice I was, even though they were so mean."
Wait. They hate you now. The ones that don't know you, well they're going to side with the others, as they do know them. Or at least their leader. And since their leader is such a spiteful, destructive person, do you think her followers are going to be less? Do think they are going to restrain from doing to you, someone they now hate, what they were doing even to each other, people they didn't hate? Don't you think they will ruin your party?

And that, my friend, is how it is with us and God. That is why we need to have a relationship with Him. It really does affect where we spent eternity. Btw, just because you have a relationship with someone, it doesn't mean you can just hurt them, continue hurting them, and expect to remain on best terms with them. No. That's when the enemy, that usurper girl will come and get you. When you fall, you've got to get right up, and keep going. Otherwise the enemy will come, sweet talk you into joining her. She's so subtle, you won't even realize it. Until it could be too late.
My dear friends, every time we sin, we hurt God. Every time we sin, we fall down. And it is then that Satan gains the victory. When we don't get up and keep moving. When we fail to keep our eyes on Jesus. We lose the crown of salvation. The enemy spits on our Lords face, jeering as he says, "Look at your child. Another one. Mine."

God is everything we long for. Father, Comforter, Lover, Builder, Faithful... Come on, He sent His Son to die on the cross, because He so loved us. And He did it, before we loved Him.

Come. Join me. Let us cultivate a relationship with God. Dig into His Word. Learn of Him. Join hands with Him. That when the end comes, we made be found faithful. Ready and waiting.

In Everything......

..Give thanks? What?! No way! That's ludicrous, I thought to myself. I'm not going 'give thanks' that we're an hour from home now (finally!), and the car just conked. It won't start back up either!

In the front seats of the car, Mum and Stella were praying earnestly that the car would start. I had been too, until 10 minutes of praying and failed attempts at starting the car, had passed. Then I'd just decided we were just going to have to camp out the night in the car.

It was then that the thought came, 'thank God that the car won't start. You need to thank God for the bad as well as the good.' I, honestly, was incedrulous. How silly. No way. I remembered the verse 'In everything thing give thanks (for this is the will of the Lord)', but it wasn't enough. I continued to wrestle for a few more minutes before.... I finally gave in and bowed my head.

Dear God,
Thank-you that the car won't start.

I literally didn't get to say 'Amen'. At that moment I heard Stella say to Mum, 'Just try start it one more time.' So Mum did. And right then, just as I was thanking God that the car wouldn't start, it did. Not only that, but we got all the way home too! (60 kms of gravel in the dark.)

In the morning, after Dad checked out what was wrong with the car, he said, “I can't explain how you got home with this vehicle. It was a miracle.

I have an awesome God. I think I'm going to remember to thank Him sooner the next time! ;) It just helps me to remember, that God says for us to thank and praise Him, not just when everything is going right. And He means it too. :)

P.S. This incident occurred a few years ago now. I wrote this experience out when I was having a hard time being thankful for something that was happening, when I saw nothing much to be thankful about. God is good. :)