Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Drop Down Dead....

...For the babies!" Georgia explained. Huh? Okayyy..... Sounds interesting.. I thought laughingly.
"It's a demonstration. Since babies can't be seen being aborted, we need to show the people. And really show it!"

Being the fun-loving person that I am, I decided that if I acquired permission from my dearest Mother, that I would go. Permission was granted, and all things set. I was going!

But, since I am still a minor, (in legal terms... ;)) and because Mum didn't want me traveling on a train alone into Melbourne, Georgia came (arrived) at the nearest train station to where I have been staying for past weeks (with my sister) at 7:20 in the morning. And we're a distance (1 hour) from Melbourne city too! (Yep, I'm singing her praise right now! :D)

There was only five of us demonstrators, plus Georgia who did the talking, and Johnny who videoed. And that was just when we started too! By midday we were down to four... and later less.

But God blessed, and not long before we lost another team member, we were joined by 7 other youngsters. (Youngsters like me. ;)) It was an interesting how they joined our group. At least for me! You see, I was doing my job, lying 'dead' on the ground, drifting off to sleep (ssh!), when I heard a couple kids saying, "Hey Jana! You alive?" Ummm, what?!  
First, how do they know my name? Second, who are they?! Third, do I know them? I was totally bewildered. So I said nothing. Since I was decidedly dead, they went back to Georgia and kept talking. It sorta hit me how funny the situation was, and I started laughing. Silently of course. But at the same time, I kept peeking from under my 'death sheet' to see who these kids were. That's all it took! When they realised that I was 'alive', and laughing (hey, somethings funny!), they all came a sat in a circle around me. And from then on I had a live audience!

They asked me such questions as, "Do you get paid for this?" "Nope." "Why not?" "Because I believe in it." "Oh well that's good..."
"Have you been lying here for long?" "Oh I guess. I was falling asleep when you guys came along and startled me!" "Oh wow..."
"Is it fun?" "Totally! I'm loving it!" And I was...

Then, it was time to move on. We invited our new friends to come and join us. And they did!!!! Though we only had 8 red sheets... So we had all 7 of them, and
1 of our (original) group 'dying' for us. Which was good, as it gave us more opportunities to talk to passer-byers. One person that I talked to said that they agreed with what we were doing, and would be happy to 'drop on the ground' for us. Sadly, as I mentioned, we didn't have enough sheets. :)

Though, good things don't last forever. And when we got to Southern Cross Train Station, they said they needed to catch the train home. Thus we parted.

A few *great* talks, demonstrations, and hours later, we caught the train to Jesse's home (one of our team). (Where I was picked up by my lovely friend, Astina.)

But that isn't the end! One of our group, Johnny, did a fabulous job catching the day in short form. In just over two minutes, you can watch us demonstrate! Perhaps even, you could participate next time. Yep. Georgia's already planning the next demonstration. Added bonus - I'll probably be there too! ;P And now I say...

"Come, see!"
Demonstration clip 

P.S. Later I asked Georgia how they (the "other youngsters") had known my name, and she told me that she had mentioned it to them, and they had then decided to go talk to me. :D

Monday, 24 December 2012

Your Relationship Status.....

....won't affect where you spent eternity. At least that what I was thinking as I dealt with the lunch dishes the other day.

All these people, wanting, thinking, hoping, sometimes even praying for their special 'other'. My 14 yr old friend basically spoke for the world when, the other day she said wistfully, "I wish I had a boyfriend!"

Today there is a craze about 'Oh no! I'm single, I'm gonna die!" Girls wishing they had a guy that really loved them. Would never cheat on them. Always be there for them. Comfort them. Build them up. And, of course, fix up their relationship status.

It's not socially 'cool' to be single.

I have to admit, I was feeling a little self-righteous as I was thinking about it. "I'm going to wait until I'm old enough to get married before I start worrying about that..." I thought. "And really, your single years are when you can accomplish the most... it's the time when you can focus on glorifying God..
I think what people don't realize, is that your relationship status won't affect where you spent eternity." I smiled to myself. Why don't people just "get" it? 

Anyways, I was feeling quite good, when it suddenly hit me. I had it wrong. Not everything.. But our relationship status does affect where we will spend eternity. Our relationship with God. If I haven't got a boyfriend, that's fine. That won't affect anything, but if we haven't a relationship with God, we aren't going to heaven! Simple as that.

Put it this way, say you're planning a birthday party. But first, let's back up a bit.
Imagine you've got this rival. She's a nasty person. Absolutely everything she does, is to cause you pain. She can't hurt you physically, so her plan is to steal all your friends that she possibly can. And mind you, once she's stolen your friends, they're not the same. 'Cause they've completely changed. They don't like you anymore. Actually, wait. Some even hate you. Some of the ones that had even been your best friends before! Some say you don't exist. You're a mere story. Yet they knew you before. They shared such special moments with you. Memories to treasure. You wonder what happened.... You even try to win them back! Some do return, but most don't.

Now back to your birthday party. You're a kind hearted, benevolent person. So even though they've rejected you, you've sent out invitations to them. A few have accepted, and is working on a friendship with you, so that when they come, they and you, can enjoy the time spent together. But then some ignored the invitation. Some down-right rejected it! Some came and told you off for even inviting them. Some said that you weren't a good person, there's no way they want to come to your party!

Now, say you're doing your party in a different way. This way, you go collect your friends and bring them to the party. Would you go out, to those people who you tried so hard to be friendly to, put yourself on the line for, but who rejected you and your invitation? Those people who now hate you. Who have become best friends with this evil girl whose only plan is to destroy. Would you bring them in? Or would you bring in your faithful friends? Sure, they might've hurt you before. But they were really and truly sorry. They made up for it the best they could. Reconciled with you. Not only your faithful friends, but the friends who are new friends. Who used to do things to hurt you, but are now truly sorry. Sure you would!

Ah, but I hear some say, "But I would be the good Samaritan, and bring the ones who rejected me in for my party anyway! Then they'd see how good and nice I was, even though they were so mean."
Wait. They hate you now. The ones that don't know you, well they're going to side with the others, as they do know them. Or at least their leader. And since their leader is such a spiteful, destructive person, do you think her followers are going to be less? Do think they are going to restrain from doing to you, someone they now hate, what they were doing even to each other, people they didn't hate? Don't you think they will ruin your party?

And that, my friend, is how it is with us and God. That is why we need to have a relationship with Him. It really does affect where we spent eternity. Btw, just because you have a relationship with someone, it doesn't mean you can just hurt them, continue hurting them, and expect to remain on best terms with them. No. That's when the enemy, that usurper girl will come and get you. When you fall, you've got to get right up, and keep going. Otherwise the enemy will come, sweet talk you into joining her. She's so subtle, you won't even realize it. Until it could be too late.
My dear friends, every time we sin, we hurt God. Every time we sin, we fall down. And it is then that Satan gains the victory. When we don't get up and keep moving. When we fail to keep our eyes on Jesus. We lose the crown of salvation. The enemy spits on our Lords face, jeering as he says, "Look at your child. Another one. Mine."

God is everything we long for. Father, Comforter, Lover, Builder, Faithful... Come on, He sent His Son to die on the cross, because He so loved us. And He did it, before we loved Him.

Come. Join me. Let us cultivate a relationship with God. Dig into His Word. Learn of Him. Join hands with Him. That when the end comes, we made be found faithful. Ready and waiting.

In Everything......

..Give thanks? What?! No way! That's ludicrous, I thought to myself. I'm not going 'give thanks' that we're an hour from home now (finally!), and the car just conked. It won't start back up either!

In the front seats of the car, Mum and Stella were praying earnestly that the car would start. I had been too, until 10 minutes of praying and failed attempts at starting the car, had passed. Then I'd just decided we were just going to have to camp out the night in the car.

It was then that the thought came, 'thank God that the car won't start. You need to thank God for the bad as well as the good.' I, honestly, was incedrulous. How silly. No way. I remembered the verse 'In everything thing give thanks (for this is the will of the Lord)', but it wasn't enough. I continued to wrestle for a few more minutes before.... I finally gave in and bowed my head.

Dear God,
Thank-you that the car won't start.

I literally didn't get to say 'Amen'. At that moment I heard Stella say to Mum, 'Just try start it one more time.' So Mum did. And right then, just as I was thanking God that the car wouldn't start, it did. Not only that, but we got all the way home too! (60 kms of gravel in the dark.)

In the morning, after Dad checked out what was wrong with the car, he said, “I can't explain how you got home with this vehicle. It was a miracle.

I have an awesome God. I think I'm going to remember to thank Him sooner the next time! ;) It just helps me to remember, that God says for us to thank and praise Him, not just when everything is going right. And He means it too. :)

P.S. This incident occurred a few years ago now. I wrote this experience out when I was having a hard time being thankful for something that was happening, when I saw nothing much to be thankful about. God is good. :)

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Teaching Thankfulness

“Hannah. What are you thankful for? Apples?” I prompted, as she held a piece of the juicy fruit to her mouth.

“Yes!” She exclaimed. And then went on to explain why in her assorted mix of French and Croatian. Okay, to be honest, she’s only 23 months old, and it’s not any foreign language, but her version of English… ;)

“Caleb, what are you thankful for?” Danica asked Caleb.

“A lovely week…” He started out slowly. “Lots of tanks..” “You mean irrigation pipes?” Danica wondered. (As Daddy Bear (Nathan) had been setting up the irrigation system in the garden earlier in the day.) “Yes!” He replied. 

Then went on. “I’m also thankful for lots of sunshine.” He finished. You see, here in Victoria, Aus, it is cloudy a lot of the time. And this week, praise God, we had quite a bit of sunshine! That Friday particularly. I had to admit that I was quite thankful for the sunshine too. After all, I come from Queensland!

I may as well give some background to this random questioning. You see, ever since I was little, my family had a tradition of saying our “Thank-you’s” – what we were thankful to God for from things that happened in the week, on Friday night. And the rules were, that we would start from the youngest family member, and work our way up. Well, when my sister, Danica, got married, she kept on with the tradition in her home. It is a great habit to form. And it really is touching to see children, still toddlers, thanking God for the things that make up their week.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Paparazzi. Run!

Yesterday, I was going for a (late) morning walk. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I was headed to my favourite spot down the road. The spot with the best views of course. :D

I had just exited the property and started heading up the road, when I happened to look back down the driveway. To my surprise, I saw a pretty little princess in pink following me! 

Suddenly I wished I had a camera in my hands…. “Hmm…” I thought, “that’s easy enough to remedy!” With that, I took off - back down the driveway.

A little while later, I had the camera safely in my hands, and a little Miss perched on my hip too! As I wanted to get the picture that I’d envisioned when I saw Hannah standing on the driveway watching me, I put her down so I could run to the spot where I’d been before, when she instantly turned on her heel and headed home!

I had planned on taking just one photo, and then continuing on my walk – alone. But, despite that fact that it was minutes to her naptime, I just couldn’t resist that pretty little face and sprinted after her retreating little figure.

After a peaceful walk, hand in hand, Hannah and I arrived at the spot with the good view. And here are some of the pictures I took!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Catherine Marshall Makes a Speech

This is the speech from the movie "A Man Called Peter"... it's SO raw and honest. And true.

And no, it's not chauvinistic.

(Catherine Woods gets up to speak at a rowdy youth rally and is met by claps and cheers from the boys….)

“If that’s because I’m a girl, thank you boys.

“And now, if you’ll let me, I’d like to talk as a girl, to the girls here this afternoon. I know if you boys will listen, they’ll listen too. And I’m just as sure that the reason they’ve been just as rude and silly as you’ve been, is because they had the mistaken idea that you wanted them to be.

“I’d never thought much about being a girl until two years ago, when I learned from a man what a wonderful thing it is to be a woman. Until that Sunday morning, I considered myself lucky to be living in the 19th century. The century of progress and emancipation. The century when, supposedly, we women came into our own. But I’d forgotten that the emancipation of woman really began with Christianity. When a girl, a very young girl, received the greatest honor in history. She was chosen to be the mother of the Savior of the world. And when her son grew up and began to teach His way of life, He ushered woman into a new place in human relations. He accorded her a dignity she’d never known before, and crowned her with such glory, that down through the ages, she was revered, protected and loved. Men wanted to think of her as different from themselves. Better… made of finer, more delicate clay.

“It remained for the 20th century, the century of progress, to pull her down from her throne. She wanted equality. For 1900 years, she had not been equal. She had been superior. To stand equal with men, naturally she had to step down. Now, being equal with men, she has won all their “rights and privileges.” The right to get drunk. The right to swear. The right to smoke. The right to work like a man. To think like a man. To act like a man. We’ve won all this, but how can we feel so triumphant, when men no longer feel as romantic about us, as they did about our grandmothers? When we’ve lost something sweet and mysterious? Something as, as hard to describe as the haunting wistful fragrance of violets?

“Of course, these aren’t my original thoughts. They’re the thoughts I heard that Sunday morning. But from them, some thought of my own were born. And the conclusion reached, that somewhere along the line, we women got off the track.
“Poets have become immortal by remembering on paper a girl’s smile. But I’ve never read a poem rhapsodizing over a girl’s giggles at a smutty joke. Or I’ve never heard a man brag that his sweetheart or his wife could drink just as much as he, and become just as intoxicated. I’ve never heard a man say that a girl’s mouth was prettier with a cigarette hanging out of it, or that her hair smelled divinely of stale tobacco.
I’m afraid that’s all I have to say… I’ve never made a speech before.”

Friday, 5 October 2012

Break of Dawn

Grey clouds cover the horizon.
Bringin' hard times, I'm surmizin.
No matter 'bout their silver lining,
For a ray of sun I'm pining.

They're coming fast and thick
Dropping their loads like brick.
Will I shatter through the storm?
Or will I stand firm, though torn?

I look abroad
And think of my Lord;
Feel Him by my side,
Giving me a place to hide.

"O my daughter," said He
"Over there, don't you see?"
I looked toward the east
- now not afraid in the least.

And through the storm,
I saw the break of dawn. ~ 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

King John and the Abbot of Canterbury

AN ancient story I'll tell you anon,
Of a notable prince, that was called King John;
He ruled over England with main and might,
But he did great wrong, and maintained little right.
And I'll tell you a story, a story so merry,
Concerning the Abbot of Canterbury;
How for his housekeeping and high renown,
They rode[3] post to bring him to London town.

A hundred men, as the King heard say,
The Abbot kept in his house every day;
And fifty gold chains, without any doubt,
In velvet coats waited the Abbot about.

"How now, Father Abbot? I hear it of thee,
Thou keepest a far better house than me;
And for thy housekeeping and high renown,
I fear thou work'st treason against my crown."

"My liege,[4]" quoth the Abbot, "I would it were known,
I am spending nothing but what is my own;
And I trust your grace will not put me in fear,
For spending my own true‑gotten gear."

"Yes, yes, Father Abbot, thy fault is high,
And now for the same thou needest must die;
And except thou canst answer me questions three,
Thy head struck off from thy body shall be."

"Now first," quo' the King, "as I sit here,
With my crown of gold on my head so fair,
Among all my liegemen of noble birth,
Thou must tell to one penny what I am worth."

"Secondly, tell me, beyond all doubt,
How quickly I may ride the whole world about;
And at the third question thou must not shrink,
But tell me here truly, what do I think?"

"O, these are deep questions for my shallow wit,
And I cannot answer your Grace as yet;
But if you will give me a fortnight's space,
I'll do my endeavor to answer your Grace."

"Now a fortnight's space to thee will I give,
And that is the longest thou hast to live;
For unless thou answer my questions three,
Thy life and thy lands are forfeit to me."

Away rode the Abbot all sad at this word;
He rode to Cambridge and Oxenford;
But never a doctor there was so wise,
That could by his learning an answer devise.

Then home rode the Abbot, with comfort so cold,
And he met his shepherd, a‑going to fold:
"Now, good Lord Abbot, you are welcome home;
What news do you bring us from great King John?"

"Sad news, sad news, Shepherd, I must give;
That I have but three days more to live.
I must answer the King his questions three,
Or my head struck off from my body shall be."

"The first is to tell him, as he sits there,
With his crown of gold on his head so fair
Among all his liegemen of noble birth,
To within one penny, what he is worth."

"The second, to tell him, beyond all doubt,
How quickly he may ride this whole world about;
And at question the third, I must not shrink,
But tell him there truly, what does he think?"

"O, cheer up, my lord; did you never hear yet
That a fool may teach a wise man wit?
Lend me your serving‑men, horse, and apparel,
And I'll ride to London to answer your quarrel."

"With your pardon, it oft has been told to me
That I'm like[5] your lordship as ever can be:
And if you will but lend me your gown,
There is none shall know us at London town."

"Now horses and serving‑men thou shalt have,
With sumptuous raiment gallant and brave;
With crosier[6], and mitre,[7] and rochet,[8] and cope,[9]
Fit to draw near to our father, the pope."[10]

"Now welcome, Sir Abbot," the King he did say,
"Tis well thou'rt come back to keep thy day;
For if thou canst answer my questions three,
Thy life and thy living both saved shall be."

"And first, as thou seest me sitting here,
With my crown of gold on my head so fair,
Among my liegemen of noble birth,
Tell to one penny what I am worth."

"For thirty pence our Saviour was sold[11]
Among the false Jews as I have been told;
And twenty‑nine is the worth of thee;
For I think thou are one penny worse than he."

The King, he laughed, and swore by St.  Bittle,
"I did not think I was worth so little!
Now secondly tell me, beyond all doubt,
How quickly I may ride this world about."

"You must rise with the sun, and ride with the same,
Until the next morning he riseth again;
And then your Grace need never doubt
But in twenty‑four hours you'll ride it about."

The King he laughed, and swore by St. Jone,
"I did not think I could do it so soon!
Now from question the third thou must not shrink,
But tell me truly, what do I think?"

"Yea, that I shall do, and make your Grace merry:
You think I'm the Abbot of Canterbury.
But I'm his poor shepherd, as plain you may see,
That am come to beg pardon for him and for me."

The King he laughed, and swore by the mass,
"I'll make thee Lord Abbot this day in his place!"
"Now nay, my Liege, be not in such speed;
For alas!  I can neither write nor read."

"Four nobles[12] a week, then I'll give to thee,
For this merry jest thou has shown to me;
And tell the old Abbot, when thou gettest home,
Thou has brought a free pardon from good King John."
[1]    King John (1166-1216) reigned in England in the years 1199-1216.  He is the evil monarch portrayed in The Legend of Robin Hood and he plays an even more central role in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, Ivanhoe.  He was involved in a long dispute with the Pope, a dispute that foreshadows Henry VIII’s more successful revolt against papal authority over England (that is why most English people today are Anglican, not Catholic).  However, lovers of freedom remember King John with mixed feelings, for his unscrupulousness, unpopularity, sexual transgressions, and defeats in war led, in 1215, to the Great Charter (Magna Carta), an important milestone on the Western road to a system of checks and balances.  Winston Churchill wisely said:  "When the long tally is added, it will be seen that the British nation and the English-speaking world owe far more to the vices of John than to the labours of virtuous sovereigns."
[2]    Abbot: Head of monastery.  Nowadays, the archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the Anglican church.
[3] Ride post:  Carry messages on horseback.  Since such riders were fast, “to ride post” meant to do something quickly and expeditiously.
[4] Liege: high-ranking individual in feudal England.
[5]      Like: The shepherd and the abbot look alike
[6]      Crozier: A staff (walking stick) carried by bishops and abbots as a symbol of office.
[7]      Mitre: A headdress worn by bishops and abbots
[8]      Rochet: A white linen ceremonial robe with close-fitting sleeves worn especially by bishops
[9]      Cope: Robe worn by church officials
[10]    Pope: In the 13th Century, England was still subservient to Rome
[11]    Sold: Jesus Christ and his twelve apostles were Jews, living in what is now the states of Israel and Palestine.  Jesus was betrayed, for thirty shekels, by one of his apostles, Judas Iscariot.
[12] Noble: an old English gold coin.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Taste and See

“I love my early morning walks! In fact, tomorrow I'm going to get up and go for a walk at 4:30 am. That way I can get in 2 hours of walking before I have to come back and make breakfast." I rattled on animatedly to Stella.

Stella looked at me in disbelief. “You're crazy!" She exclaimed. “Why get up so early, just so you can go for a 2 hour walk?!"

“Because I love it!" I replied with a grin.
“You don't know what you're missing out on, because you haven't tried it." I added.

Straight after I had said that last sentence, I realised...
People say they don't need or want God. But they don't know what they're missing out on. Because they haven't “tried" Him.

O taste and see that the Lord is good. Ps 34:8

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Jezebel & Co.

"Sorry we're late...." I started as we stepped into my violin teachers house. "Dolly kidded this morning." I explained.
"Oh really?" She replied. "What'd she have?"
"Two kids. Jairus, a boy, and Jezebel, a girl." I grinned happily. It was the first of the 2012 May kidding season. The day was the 11th of May.
Sadly we didn't get any pics of Jairus before we sold him.
"Jana, where is Jamella?" Mum asked me that Friday evening as we were doing the milking.
"I don't know. She's probably kidding somewhere... can you bring in Pie, please?" I grabbed Kenita and pulled her out of the garden before anyone else could shove their way in.
"Sure. But don't you think you should find Jamella before it is dark?" Mum let Pie in.
"Well, I'll finish milking Pie, and then the rest of the goats will have to wait while I find her." I replied.
When I'd gotten Pie out, I started down towards Dad's bee-shed. When I was nearing it, I saw a dark shape in the trees, and headed straight toward it. It was what I thought it was. Jamella. She had two kids. Before picking them up, I checked what they were. A boy and a girl.
Later on, with much difficulty, we decided on their names. The boy became Jehu, and the girl Jaminna.
"How are the goats?" The usual question coming from Mum. It was Friday morning. The 18th of May. I had just come up from milking.
"They're all good..... Oh and Chrissy kidded!" I replied merrily.
"Oh really?! What'd she have?" Both Mum and Stella looked at me expectantly.
"She had a little girl. And I'm calling her Dana (pronounced Dayna)." I smiled back at them.
Though poor Dana was a week old when Mum got to see her, and she'll be 3 weeks old when Stella gets to see her....
"I wonder when Jillee is going to kid. She was due on the 16th, and it's the 22rd now." I said to Mum.
"Hmm, yeah, I wonder too." She mused.
"She's probably waiting for us to go to Able's birthday party before she kids. Naughty little goat." I laughed thinking about. "She must've had a talk to Chrissy. Remember how Chrissy was 7 days overdue, yet she waited till Friday night before Cherith's wedding to kid?"
"I remember." Mum smiled.
It was two days later. We were home now, and I went straight down to the yards to check on Jillee. I heard a little cry. That must be a new kid.. I thought. And sure enough, as I walked into the yards, I saw her. A gorgeous little fawn coloured doe kid. She was duely dubbed Buttercup. :)
"Hey, look over there!" Mum said in surprise.
"What is it?" I asked. "Oh wait, it's the Floxarians! I wonder if Flicka kidded. And if so, I wonder who the father is.... look! There she is! And there's a kid with her!" I squealed. And with that, I was running down towards her. It didn't take me much effort to have the kid caught and in my arms.
"What is it?" Mum asked.
"A boy." I scowled. "But it's Zing's kid." At that I smiled.
"He's sure cute!" I had to agree.
"Mum. I know what he'll. He'll be Fling!" I grinned.
"Haha, perfect." She smiled.
"Hey Mum. Why is Dad honking his horn?" I looked out the window.
"I guess because he must want you to open the gate for him. You'd better go open it for him." She turned back to what she was doing.
I paused momentarily as I put my boots on and walked out the door. Hmmm, I thought to myself, He must have picked up some animal, and brought it home... I wonder what it is this time! I don't think it'd be a kid.... the bush goats start really kidding in Spring..... deffinitely not an emu chick.... I got to the gate and opened it. When Dad drove up to me, he paused and opened the door. There is was. Whatever "it" was.
"What is it? Where'd you get it from?" I put my hand out to touch the white little thing.
"It's a lamb. And I don't know what it is. (Gender.) I just saw it on the road. Almost ran over it. It had no mother, and I couldn't just let the poor baby get eaten." He started to close the door.
"Okay. Well I'll shut the gate and come up. I knew you had to have some animal with you, or you would've opened the gate yourself!" I laughed.
Later, I "checked" the lamb, and found that it was girl. Oh well, at least it's girl... Sadly, I'm not too fond of sheep/lambs. They all look the same! They don't even smell as nice as goats/kids! lol Oh well. I'm already getting to love her. :) She might win me over to sheep yet!
Name pending. ;)

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Speak Now!

"Lets read in Proverbs this time." I suggested to my friend.
"Sure! I love Proverbs. I'd say it's my favourite book!" She replied happily.
"Okay. I chose last time. You choose this time." I said cheekily.
"Hey! You know I don't like choosing!" She retorted.
"Why don't you just pick random? Lets see..... there is 31 chapters...." I paused.
"Chapter 31 is a cool chapter." She said.
"Well, then. How about we read Proverbs 31?" I asked.
"Sounds great." She replied. And we started.

We were in the middle of our once-a-week tradition. Devotions over the phone. Reading passages of the Bible, and then discussing it. We had just read verse 8, when I stopped.

"Wow. That is so clear!" I gasped. Surprised.
"Hmm.... it is." She commented.
"It says to Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. You know what comes to my mind?" I asked her.
"No. What?" She questioned.
"Babies. They can't speak for themselves. And abortion appoints them for destruction. Here is an order to be a mouth for them. We need to speak up. Plead their cause. I'd always known it was wrong, and that we need to do something, but this is a command from God. We need, not want, need to speak up against abortion." I looked at the Bible, shaking my head softly. I'd never seen it before. Never known of this divine command.

Later in the day, I remembered something I'd started. Something that would enable me to be a mouth. A mouth for the speechless...... It was time to finish it.

Are you willing to speak for the speechless?

Friday, 25 May 2012

Take It Or Leave It

"I was reading in Exodus this morning... you know, where God was giving instructions about the building of the tabernacle. And I realised something, for the first time." My friend and I were discussing Bible passages over the phone.
"Yes?" She replied.
"Well, I realised something that many people obviously miss - God is very precise."

Really, when you look at the Bible, you'll see it. Everywhere! I guess the reason I noticed it there, was because it goes for so many chapters! But it says in Exodus 27:14-17.

(14.) "The hangings of one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
(15.) And on the other side shall be hangings fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
(16.) And for the gate of the court shall be an hanging of twenty cubits, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with needlework: and their pillars shall be four, and their sockets four.
(17.) All the pillars round about the court shall be filleted with silver; their hooks shall be of silver, and their sockets of brass."

God is precise about everything. Including His law. When He says something, He means exactly that. No bending. Take it or leave it.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Perspiration & the Lack of Motivation = The End!

Recently I haven't had enough inpiration to write a genius blog post. Though someone did once say "Genius is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration." But I haven't had the motivation to use all that perspration to write a decent blog post. Hence, until my motivation returns: Goodbye!

P.S. Don't freak out - I might surprise you all.... sooner than you expect! Or I might not. :P

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Wisdom & Humour Page!

Well peoples! I have a new page on my blog! Check it out, and make sure you leave feedback. Why? No particular reason.... except to know you've been. :) Thanks!! :D

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Hated By God?!

"Mum! Look at this! Have you ever read this verse before?!" With that, I read it out. "The Lord trieth the righteous; but the wicked and him that loveth violence, His soul hateth." (Ps 11:5)
Mum looked at me. "Wow. No, I don't think so." Animated, I replied "I always figured that it must be like that.... but here it is! In the Bible. And it's so clear. There is no way you can mistake it."
"Yes," Mum agreed. "It is."
"You know Mum, I was just thinking how, you read a book, and think Oh that's so cool, but you can't be sure that it's true. You know, it's not like that with the Bible. It's always true, and you can always take it for granted."

I'd just finished doing my Bible reading. A few chapters out of 3 books of the Bible. It started out as Genesis, Job and Matthew. But now, I was further along. Every morning, when I found a verse I found particuarly interesting, I would jump out of bed (yes, I do my Bible reading in bed!), run to Mum and read it to her. I'd been reading Psalms that morning. Realising how interesting it really was. When I stumbled across this important verse.

Thinking about it. I realised how broad that can go. How many people love playing war/fighting games? How many people love watching violent, action packed movies? I've heard people have say "Action is awesome! It's what makes it worth watching." What about the books? There are many books based on violence. Okay, some aren't based on violence, but have violence in it.

You don't need to be wicked as such. But God says that if you just love violence, His soul hates you. Pretty harsh. But it's true. God is not violent. It's against His nature. And He hates it so much, that He hates them that love it.

I don't want to be hated by God. Do you?

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Chocolate, Immorality, and the Scaffold

I remember the day I decided to go vegan. I couldn’t wait for the super-charged energy and keen intellect that my vegan friends told me about, but more importantly, I knew it was something that God was asking me to do. It was time for a change.

I began to make a mental checklist.
Replace ice cream with sorbet.
Replace milk with soymilk.
Replace cheese with…um, fake cheese?

I felt pretty satisfied at the replacements I had thought up. Until I remembered: Hershey Bars aren’t vegan. Then, panic struck.

What?? How could I go shopping and not buy a Butterfinger? What would I do without a Snickers when I was stressed out? How could I say no to Ms. Brenda’s famous peppermint chocolate fudge? Chocolate ruled with an iron fist and dictated my fingers and mouth to do actions against my will. But I liked it.

A fellow chocolate addict and I decided to quit together. We had a ceremony around a trash can and threw in all our chocolate. Then we deposited the entire garbage bag in the dumpster. We were done.

But then…

Have you ever had someone say to you the words, “just this one time?” or, “it’s just a little bit!”

Well, let’s just say that the trash-can ceremony was not the last time my fingers handled cocoa products. It’s been at least a couple of years since I’ve eaten chocolate, but the quitting process was not easy. I’ve thought about it since then, though. Isn’t it true that just a little bit of chocolate won’t kill me? We could debate the physiological effects of chocolate, but when we make it really simple, a little bit of chocolate, or chocolate just once, will not have a significant effect on my overall well-being.

So what’s the big deal?

Big deal number one is that God said to abstain from stimulating substances, like caffeine, which is in chocolate. Anything that messes with the brain messes with my vital connection with God. But let’s pretend, for just a moment, that this point was excused on the basis that just once won’t really hurt anything. There’s still more.

Big deal number two is self-control.

A lack of self-control looks like this:
1. A stimulus comes.
2. You desire the stimulus.
3. Reason tells you that the stimulus is not good.
4. You still desire the stimulus.
5. You act in favor of the stimulus.

It is not reason or conscience that is in control, it is the stimulus. You do not possess yourself; the thing of temptation rules you. Herein is the secondary reason for resisting the “just this once” trick: resisting builds self-control.

Learning self-control on little things like appetite becomes much more important when the stimulus is something more serious, like an immoral image or an improperly intimate thought. How do you respond when your conscience, reason, and judgment tell you that you have no right to interact with such things? But that thing of temptation moves you, controls you, forces you…If you have not been cultivating self-possession, your lust will possess you.

What about the day when you are brought to give an answer for your faith? Think not that this day is far in the future, my friends…the sword, guillotine, and scaffold have claimed the blood of countless martyrs in the past, and their work is not finished yet. The scaffold is unlike chocolate and immoral desires in that it is not a stimulus of craving—it is a stimulus of fear. Your emotions tell you to do whatever it takes to avoid it. How do you respond when your conscience, reason, and judgment tell you that you must accept it? But that thing of temptation moves you, controls you, forces you...if you have not been cultivating self-possession, your fear will possess you

What am I saying with all of this talk about chocolate, immorality, and the scaffold? I mean to say this: our first and primary reason for obeying God is simply because He said so. But embedded within simple fidelity is another lesson—that of self-control. Self-control, self-possession, is to make decisions based on conscience, reason, and judgment rather than on desires. By exercising this every time that a temptation comes, God’s followers become people of integrity. I want that.

Watch out for the “just this once” trick. God is calling us to possess ourselves, and He will be faithful to complete that good work in us. "Let calmness and self-possession be cultivated and perseveringly maintained, for this was the character of Christ…Remember in Him dwelt all the fullness of the God-head bodily. If Christ is abiding in our hearts by faith, we shall, by beholding the manner of His life, seek to be like Jesus, pure, peaceable, and undefiled. We shall reveal Christ in our character." 2SM 22.3,4.

(Credits: God, through Jamie)

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Media and Purity

My sister found this blog last night, and I thought it was so good, I had to share it.


Media, Purity, and "Loving God with ALL your mind"
by LJG-

"Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good."
(Romans 12:9)

In the midst of pressures and influences dictated by popularity and emotions, the Christian identity has been compromised under the flag of cultural assimilation and personal subjectivity. Religious syncretism is rife. "Toleration" and "love" have been made excuses for defying absolutes and accountability.

Paul here in Romans admonishes believers to love without hypocrisy, a real genuine affection and action of godly sacrifice. But he then further writes to "abhor what is evil" and "cling to what is good." That statement defies most banners we have flown over our lifestyles and decisions as a nation, as individuals, and sadly at times, as the church.

Gray has blinded the lines of what is right and wrong too often. We take things from the world and slap a Christian label on it. We rationalize. We justify. We excuse ourselves from truly rejecting darkness, and we have our list of reasons. But can we honestly look God in the eyes and say what we have allowed to be "ok" is acceptable according to Him and His Word?

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 grows a bit on the same thought as Romans, "Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil."

"From every form of evil? Test all things? Well if my church is doing it, it must be ok, right?" "Oh come on; it can't be that bad!" We have all heard that little voice trying to sanitize and Christianize what we know is not right.

When it comes to popular media, we desperately need a fresh look at God's Word. If God has so called us to love Him with all of our mind, we need to know what that looks like. Therefore, we need to know how to discern popular media so that we are not sucked into compromising our Christian identity of solely living for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

This topic is touchy, I know. But I believe we are only so sensitive because we have compromised the standard we are called to live by in God's Word so much to fit what we want and hunger for.

Let's dive into a couple passages of Scripture.

1 Peter 1, "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Here believers are to hold fast to their calling. They are to gird, prepare or guard, their minds resting fully upon the grace that God has blessed upon them. Then, Peter continues that we are to do so "as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"

"In all our conduct?" Yes. In all our conduct, we are not to conform to our former lusts, but rather to pursue holiness. Not for us, however. We live holy by and for the only Holy One as we live in Christ Jesus.

Deuteronomy 23 also talks about this. "When the army goes out against your enemies, then keep yourself from every wicked thing...For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you."

Although God was commanding the Israelites to be clean in a physical aspect, the command can also be seen with a dual instruction of being spiritually clean as He taught them in previous texts. God's people are to live under the Lordship of God, for He is imminently involved in our lives. Do we, as believers, view popular media as if He is watching and reading it with us? Would He find it pleasing? Does He find it glorifying Him and having us focus on Him all the more?

Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." Here Paul lays out the ultimate criteria. Does what we view display all of these traits? What we watch at home and in theaters, and what we read printed on pages will be meditated in our minds. What are we meditating on?

Paul continues in verse 9, "The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." God shows here an organic relationship between what we think and what we do. What we fill our minds with will inevitably influence how we choose to live. Therefore, what content and images we open into our minds will bear great significance.

For example, although popular opinion says Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Hunger Games are all great movies to watch, can we honestly admit that these movies line up to the above criteria? I challenge you, as I am challenging myself, to refine what we mean by loving God with all our mind. He views every thought. Would He be pleased and glorified? Or is there something else stealing the attention and adoration He so deserves?

In the mentioned movies, there is blatant murder, gore, sorcery, false romance, nudity, sensuality, and the glorification of what is darkness in the eyes of our Lord.

"Oh, but there is a good side and bad side, and the good guys always win!" Good and evil is defined by who in this work? The secular author with no biblical standards or convictions?

"Oh, but it's real. This really happens in the world around us!" Well, sex slaves, abuse, homosexuality, lewdness, satanic activity and worship with many more forms of evil are real and rampant in our world, so is that an excuse to go view it and fill our minds with it?

"Oh, well I'll just close my eyes on that part." Why would you watch a movie that you have to close your eyes on? You are still going to get a glimpse of that image.

A great analogy I once heard was brownie baking. If the cook decided to cook the brownies with a little feces, would you eat them? You can try to spit out the junk, but guess what, the poop is mixed into all the brownies as these secular authors mix all their junk throughout their stories.

Here is another example. A friend of mine went to go watch a Marvel movie with his youth group when it first hit the cinema. The film was based on one of his favorite old superhero, kid comic strips. The comics were innocent; how bad could the movie be? Plus, if the youth group is going, hey, it must be ok, right? During the movie, he stood up and walked out. Why? The large screen displayed a naked woman, and as the Word of God commands, that is not an image he is to allow into his mind. What would his wife think if he allowed his eyes to stare at this bare actress? What would our future spouses think of similar images we accept into our minds? Purity of mind is of utmost priority.

Isaiah wisely warns, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20). Whose standards are we living by? Ours? Or Jesus'?

1 John 2:6, 28-29, “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked… And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.” Is this us?

After telling the Thessalonians to test all things, abstain from every form of evil, and hold to what is good, Paul begins to close off with the following words and so will I as I pray you will open your heart and surrender to God. He will lead you to live the kind of life He wishes for you to live, a life that wholly worships Him.

Life is not about us. Life is all about Him. We are to have the mind of Christ. Is that what we are holding to? Are we walking and thinking in the Spirit or in the flesh?

Remember, ultimately what we think will lead to what we do. The mind has such an influence into how we live. We need to follow the words of Scripture as it shows that if we think biblically, we will live biblically. We need to love our God and Savior without hypocrisy. God should get the glory as He so deserves it. Is that our goal in how we live? Is that our goal in how we intake cultural media?

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

(end of article)

Friday, 13 April 2012

God and Your Behavior

My post, "War" began an interesting comment discussion. Reading these always sparks new thoughts for me. Seeing other people's worldviews has been educational. Before, "different" doctrines and ideas seemed very un-important. That changed when a friend brought up a topic that I'd never heard of before.
"God doesn't love everybody," he informed me.
I was shocked! "What about John 3:16?"
Thus began a debate about God. He lent me a book on this idealogy. I decided to read the Bible the whole way through again, and this time keep my eyes open for clues on "what is the real relationship between God and humanity?"

I learned a lot. I still am. But what I've noticed since, is an intriguing connection between our perception of God, and our behavior. Crazy? Not really. It's pretty consistent.

I don't like to step on toes. But here's what I've observed.

There was a nun. As in most denominations, views on God differ. Some believe that we earn our way to heaven by sufferings. These we are to "offer up to god". Behind the fairy tales about this woman, is a different story that most don't know. One that doesn't make sense. Yet does. Those that were in terrible suffering, she left that way, as she believed they then would be saved. She sent all her money to the man she admired most, instead of using it to relieve the suffering she was in contact with. This un-heard story sounds strange. But she was just following her worldview.

Still another view of god. He is a god that planned from the birth of this world, who would be saved - andwho wouldn't. Nothing can happen or has happened, that he did not plan to happen, from the start. Only to these random, special ones who are chosen, does this god love and offer salvation. And nothing they do, from the littlest lie to a murder, can change their guarantee to heaven. It all hinges on whether you feel like you're one of those elect. You can't know for sure. But, hoping is the best way to look at it. The others... well, god does not offer them salvation, but um, they like darkness anyway, so god punishes them for that. These cannot do anything to be saved and everything that they do, god planned that they should. This makes Him the most murderous, tyrannical being in the universe. I mean -- every genocide, and act of a serial killer, he planned. Children from families who believe in this god, often reject him. Those that don't - well, they're another story. And I can understand. If that was really the case, I would be very proud. I mean - special me! I'm saved and I can do whatever I want. Whatever you do however, you cannot escape destruction.

Another god, is an indulgent Santa Claus. He will give you anything you want, whether or not it is good for you. This god takes all to heaven. Even though many would be terribly miserable in that pure world above. With this god, your good outweighs your bad. And once you realise that you want god, you are forever secure. Believers in this god, live a careless, wreckless life, for after all their god is too kind to punish them.

There is another god who inspires his adherents to kill 'un-believers', in his name. And if you do, you will be guaranteed immediate entrance to heaven at death. From this belief stems the cause of many suicide bombers and acts of violence.

The character of the individual is highly shaped by their view of God. As He is the highest standard of everything desirable. Reason dicates that one will not be a better person than their highest conception of Good.

Among the confused crowd of these, stands out some. Different from the rest. One of these was George Muller. He personally was responsible for the well-being of ten thousand orphans. Without any charity. There has only been praise for his genuine un-selfishness and kindness in his life. This was a natural outflow from a man that believed in a God of Supreme Love. A God to whom all are equal and precious. He wasn't the only man who lived out a life consisent with the character of a loving God. There was also the apostle Paul. Abraham Lincoln. David Livingstone. And more recently, Brother Andrew. David Gates. Many others too.

As a child, I imagined God to be Someone intimidating, far away, and critical. Such an idea in turn made me very critical of my siblings in their mistakes. But, I don't think that way anymore. As I've taken the challenge, "And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart," (Jeremiah 29:13) I've gotten to know the Father who is the epitome of the world's best daddy. One who truly knows what's best for me, and plans great things for my life. I've gotten to see that He truly "is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works." Psalms 145:7,8

My journey in getting to know God has prompted some personal questions.
Is my behavior Christ-like? If not... am I getting to know the true God?

(Credits: Christella)

Saturday, 7 April 2012


I was standing at our stall at Agquip while Mum went to get something. Thousands of people streamed through, some of which stopped to talk. One such lady noticed the free Christian literature on the table.
"Ah, so you're a Christian?" she asked.
I smiled, "I sure am!"
"You know," she told me, "I used to be a drug addict. But then I got saved. It is so wonderful being saved."
I agreed. It really is wonderful to have that constant connection with God.
"But, I tell you," she continued, "I've done all sorts of things. If it weren't that I got saved back then, I would be lost now. I'm so thankful for eternal security with my salvation."
A look of shock crossed my face. "Eternal security? What ever do you mean by that?"
She seemed surprised by my ignorance. I really had never heard of it.
"Oh, well, we are covered with Christ's blood, and don't need to worry about how we live. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that," she exclaimed.
"But, we have to surrender to God every day, not just once!" I countered, still surprised.
She shook her head. "No, I have eternal security."
"But what about a daily walk with God?" I asked confused.
She repeated it all. Mum came back to the stall.
"Oh, we were just discussing homeschooling," the lady told Mum.
Another surprise! When was that?
"I homeschool my two boys," she added.
The two started a warm discussion on the topic.
I was left to think. Think, I did. What ever did she mean by all that? Can one really do whatever they wish, and still be saved? Is it not possible to turn away and lose salvation?
At the end of the long day, Mum and I looked at it in the Bible together. My questions were answered. I forgot about it.

That was four years ago. Not long ago, as I was reading through my Bible I came across an explanation. It stared me in the face -- cleared all doubts.
Ezekial 18:24 "But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die."

That verse was the answer. Yes, God has given us freewill. What does it say in the NT, I wondered? I found more.

"They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away." Luke 8:13

"Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray..." 2 Peter 2:15

I'm convinced. My salvation is still under threat. I do need God's constant power to overcome and abide in Him. I can lose that. But how?

What can seperate us from God's love?
“35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, orfamine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, norany other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:35-39
What do all these elements have in common?
They are all external forces.

So then, what is the one thing that can separate us from God?
“1 Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: 2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1, 2

I see it more clearly now. If we take the beginning and throw out the end of our faith, we are not going to get there. It is not enough to just become a Christian, we must stay a Christian.

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, wherunto thou art also called, and has professed a good profession before many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12.

"...he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Mark 13:13

If we resist the sanctification process by turning in the opposite direction, or letting Satan subtly turn our eyes off Jesus until we give away our faith, then we give away our right to Heaven.
Revelation 3:11 "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

(Credits: Christella)